The threat to the US and Canadian national herds from ASF has been well documented. Close behind that is the danger the disease poses to feed suppliers, and the producers of its raw material, the soy bean farmer.
This article articulates these concerns, especially for a grain export perspective. The recent agreement to Phase One in the US - China trade negotiations being conducted by the Administration is a large pillar upholding grain farm incomes.
IDEAL Agriculture & Marine offers a full range of livestock and animal mortality products, including business interruption for many diseases. Whether current threats such as African Swine Fever and High Pathology Avian Influenza; more remote catastrophic diseases such as FMD; or more common but still costly diseases such as PRRS, PED and Salmonella, we can craft cost-effective solutions for treating the risk and mitigating the effects of a break. This program applies to animal producers and related supporting industries. Insurance agents and brokers having clients within the animal agriculture sectors are encouraged to visit with us for more information.
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