Dec 31 2019 Through close, whole herd testing, Montana's cattle producers have been able to maintain a Brucellosis Class Free Status as a state. This successful program was instituted in 2010 for this exact purpose, and a very good outcome for the Montana Department of...
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Oct 2 2019 Animal agriculture producers are all to aware of the negative impact diseases can have. In the last decade, the US livestock industry has suffered heavily at the hands of HPAI, PEDv and PRRS. But the worst are still offshore - African Swine Fever and Foot &...
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Sep 9 2019 Except to pork exporters, what's the big deal about the current African Swine Fever pandemic that is decimating China's pig population? Well, it might be of concern to you if you're about to have surgery of any kind, or are living with a heart condition. The...
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Aug 26 2019 Although still in the category of "cautious optimism", this report and forecast by the University of Wisconsin - Madison economist Bob Cropp gives some continuing hope to stressed dairy families and associated businesses....
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Aug 4 2019 A number of pigs roughly equal to the entire American annual pig production has been the victim of the disease, and indirectly the eradication and control efforts in China alone over the last year. Much attention has been focused on feed, feed ingredients and...
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Apr 29 2019 USDA has been at the forefront of the effort to secure the US swine population. Efforts have included the training of detector dogs which have already been instrumental in the identification for seizure of approximately 1,000,000 pounds of pork product...
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Apr 22 2019 A fair number of "if's" have to fall the right way, but this is the most encouraging outlook for the relative position of milk prices as we move through 2019. more ›
Feb 7 2019 The current administration is getting down to brass tacks in simplifying the definition of the EPA's Waters if the US, commonly referred to as WOTUS. Two months ago, EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers published their proposed rule change to facilitate...
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Feb 5 2019 In the Strum & Drang of contemporary political discourse, this is a well written, cool evaluation of the role of international trade for agricultural producers, both currently and for the future. - Save this article... more ›
Jan 18 2019 Fascinating preliminary results of two year study at the University of Illinois in increasing plant yields through the manipulation of the plant's own biochemistry. This has some really huge implications if the early indications pan out and can be scaled.
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Jan 14 2019 Dairy continues under high stress, with profitability more than elusive. Genetic development, better nutrition, constantly improving animal health management and production technology have all contributed to massive increases in efficiency - but even as dairy...
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Jan 9 2019 As IDEAL Agriculture & Marine Insurance has deepened our involvement in the poultry segment of animal agriculture over the years, we have seen firsthand the improvements in technology, nutrition, security, and animal welfare made. They have been...
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